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Authorship is considered to be granted to any substantial contribution, responsibility, and/or accountability to a published work. To clarify terms, this journal considers "substantial contribution" as one that is essential and necessary to the work as a whole. The following criteria must be met to be considered for authorship:

  • Substantial contributions to conceptions, design, and/or acquisition of the work

  • Substantial contributions to the analysis, data, and/or interpretation of the work

  • Substantial contributions to drafting, editing, and/or revising the work

  • Substantial contributions to the accuracy, integrity, and/or investigation of any aspect of the work 

Any person or persons in agreement to be accountable for the work has met the above criteria is considered an author. Contributors that do not meet the above criteria for authorship should not be listed as authors, but they should be acknowledged. 


Financial relationships and competing interests are required to be disclosed at the time of submission. This requirement must be met during the provisional acceptance of the manuscript. The authors are responsible for informing the Journal of Medical Advancements and Research of any changes or updates to financial relationships or competing interests that may occur prior to publication. If the author has no interests to disclose, this will be noted and must be explicitly stated within the manuscript. Editors will review and determine any evidence for bias and may require additional information from author(s) prior to publication. 


The following types of manuscripts will be accepted for review by the journal for publication: Abstracts, Articles, Review Articles, Case Reports,  Viewpoints, and Editorials. 


Cover pages should include the following: Authors, Brief Conflict of Interest Disclosures, and contact information.


Title page should include the following: Title, Byline, Word Count, Number of figures and or tables, Location for the study,  Conflict of Interest Disclosure,  and Acknowledgements


Abstracts should be either a single paragraph or in a bulleted format and contain a brief synopsis of the introduction, methods, results, and conclusions. Abstracts should be no longer than 400 words. 


The main article should include the following: introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusions. The methods section should give a complete and accurate description of the study population, recruitment standards, assessment and measurement tools, and statistical analysis. All study subjects should be given written informed consent after a thorough explanation of the study has been provided to them. Additionally, patient privacy must have been adhered to within all publications and any identifying information must be protected. All data analysis should be identified and explained. All significant findings must include the test value, probability, and degree(s) of freedom. All clinical trials should be registered at and all changes to the protocol should be detailed. All medications should be referred to by the generic name and all abbreviations should be spelled out at least once in the text. 


All references should be numbered and listed by the order of appearance within the main article, this includes figures and or tables. The author is responsible for any citation errors. No citations should be used for unpublished works including works that are pending publication. All references should be in the APA style in the following example: Smith, A. Johnson, B. Jones, C. (2000, January). SSRIs: overrated or highly effective? J Natl Psychiatry Institute, 100(1): 1-4. DOI: 10/123456789 or Https://

Supplemental data is accepted for publication and is held to the same publication standards as the main article.

The Journal of Medical Advancements and Research LLC

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